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Improved conversions by an astonishing 21%

Project Type: E-commerce Website

Role: UX/UI Designer

Deliverables: Research, UX Audit, Wireframes, UI Designs

Being UK’s only end-to-end worktop retailer, House of Worktops are in control of the entire production chain, promising their customers high quality worktops at a great price.

With over 10,000 daily organic visitors on the House Of Worktops website, the client faced a high bounce rate leading to decrease in conversions and lots of unsatisfied customers. The team at Agaetis was tasked to solve this problem to improve conversions for their website.

Speaking with the client's customer servicing team and collecting customer feedback helped us identify main issues on the website. Even though the customers were convinced to purchase the product, the checkout flow didn't build enough trust for them to proceed with the purchase.

Some of the issues customers highlighted were hidden shipping costs, lengthy and unstructured forms, lack of payment options and many more.

By investigating over 20 screen recordings and heatmaps reports on Hotjar, we analysed customer engagement and behaviour and identified drop-off points, clicks, taps and scrolling behaviour. This helped us pin down area of weakness and opportunities in layout and visual hierarchy.

We also conduced desktop research on best practices with help of Baymard Institute’s usability testing reports to understand UX benchmarking for the ecommerce industry.

Keeping the key points highlighted during research, I set out to build wireframes that would include a progress bar, structured payment form, trust factor symbols, clear item summary card and many more elements.

We made sure contextual hierarchy was also maintained in the mobile experience as the client had ~25% of their organic users shopping using responsive devices. After successful implementation, the client was very satisfied with the results as they saw an instant spike in the conversions and fewer complaints in just 6 months.

15% reduction in bounce rates

10% increase in CSAT score (Customer satisfaction)

21% increase in yearly revenue